Tuesday, January 22

How to Give a Great Kiddie Party

Can your child’s party be a success without having to spend the money that should go to his tuition? It is possible to set up an old-fashioned, homemade party – with games, prizes, cake, ice cream and hats – without finding yourself wrung out at the end, as long as you design a party that matches your child’s level of development and encourages children’s active participation. What’s more, a home-made party will certainly cost less and have a more personal touch.

Limit the number of guests
. The younger the child, the fewer the guests. Large groups of children tend to over stimulate one another in a party situation.

Plan a series of activities
. To assure the smooth flow of the celebration, don’t leave chunks of unfilled time. That’s when children run amok. For instance, play few games, do an easy project, eat, and then end with something quiet-like a song or a story. Older children enjoy a special outing before heading back for the cake and ice cream, such as bowling or biking in the park.

Involve your child in planning
. Let your child have some say about the flavor of the ice cream and the cake, color of the icing and what to “say’ on top. Children enjoy choosing napkin, plates, and flavors. A two-year old can help fill the party basket. A four- or five-year old may enjoy making invitations. A six- to ten-year old can choose games and help select a special outing.

Prepare one simple project. Pre-schoolers enjoy making things to wear. Why not consider making crowns or party hats?



Heart of Rachel said...

Preparing a party requires a lot of preparation. Thank you for sharing these great tips.

Wenchie said...

Hi Rach, glad to know you liked this post.

Anonymous said...

What a nice article. Can I re-post it in my website? Or if you want, you can register and re-post it yourself, as well as other kiddie party articles that you'd like to contribute. Email me back at :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait, I realized that this is from the Nestle Club website, so I'll repost it and name its source (and that I added "http://" before my email address). But you're still welcome to register with the site :)

Wenchie said...

Hi Myn, yeah you can re-post it just add the website as your source. Am a member of the club, I only post articles which interest me, most of the time, it does, he he. Thanks to Nestle Club. And thanks for the visit.